About me

I created Digestive Warrior because I know very intimately how painful it is to struggle with a digestive disorder. Diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis at age 15, I have been no stranger to the trials and tribulations of how deeply it can affect one's life. As a dancer and yogi, I simply refused to accept pain and suffering. My entire life has been a mission of addressing my disorder in a holistic way. Yes, there were times I succumbed to drugs; these were the years that fueled the very essence of Digestive warrior. Had I floated along in a mediocre state of health, my research, education, training and clinical practice would have never come to be. It was through deep, deep despair in hospitalizations weighing 85 lbs with the threat of my colon being removed that I began a 20 year journey of studying digestive health. I thoroughly enjoy helping those still suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn's Disease or Ulcerative Colitis recover. Sometimes you simply need someone who has been in your shoes to tell you that you absolutely can get better- to truly believe in you.

I am a Doctor of Oriental Medicine as well as a certified Functional Medicine practitioner. I offer private counseling for individuals who seek to improve their digestive wellness via holistic methods. As each person’s blueprint for healing is individual, sessions with me are tailored to the individual’s needs. Working with me involves uncovering the root cause of one’s affliction, diet and lifestyle guidance, supplement recommendations along with spiritual and emotional support through the process. My approach is based in integrative medicine, meaning each person I work with will receive therapy that combines both Eastern and Western traditions of medicine. Through education, awareness and discipline I help others achieve results that lead to improved quality of life.

Here are examples of Functional Medicine lab work that we have the option of exploring to address your condition while working together. I use only the most cutting edge, Functional Medicine approved labs such as Genova and Doctor's Data.These tests are not essential, but the information often beneficial:

Celiac/gluten sensitivity, lactose intolerance, Complete Blood Count, C-Reactive Protein testing, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, Complete metabolic panel, Comprehensive stool testing, Hydrogen methane breath test for suspected SIBO

Celiac/gluten sensitivity, lactose intolerance, Complete Blood Count, C-Reactive Protein testing, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, Complete metabolic panel, Comprehensive stool testing, Hydrogen methane breath test for suspected SIBO

Professional Affiliations:
Diplomate of Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM)
Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Medical Association of New Mexico (AOMAM)
Nationally Certified in Functional Medicine (IFM)
Healthcare Licensure
I am a licensed Primary Healthcare Provider in New Mexico as a Doctor of Oriental Medicine


Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico

Profile Details
  • Experience: 20 Years
  • Language : English