About me

Hello! My name is Lisha and I’m a Dietitian, Functional Nutrition Practitioner, and Hashimoto’s Warrior! My mission is teaching other Thyroid Warriors how to heal through nutrition.

In 2014 I began my dream career by adding two capital letters behind my name – R.D. My first experience working as a Registered Dietitian began in the hospital setting practicing medical nutrition therapy. Although I loved the fast-paced clinical world, my heart strings were pulling me elsewhere. I knew I belonged working in an outpatient environment so I could help my clients achieve health every step of the way. I left my position as a Clinical Dietitian to become the staff Dietitian at a wellness center, for two and a half years. During this time, I experienced my first health crisis and was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease – Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis.

For the first time in my life I experienced what it was like to be a patient. I refused to stand by and not play a role in assisting my body to heal or feel anything less than optimal – despite what I was being told. Through nutrition, lifestyle and mindset modifications, I restored my health and reclaimed my life. I lost the 20 lbs I gained due to this disease, restored my energy, reduced my anxiety, improved my gut health, lowered inflammation, and ditched the common persistent hypothyroid symptoms. Since I experienced first hand that healing IS possible, I wanted to show others it was possible too! Thus my business was born, Lisha Loves Life, LLC. where I help Thyroid Warriors live a life they love again!

Through both my training and personal experiences, I have learned invaluable information and lessons that have led to strength and growth in ways I could never have anticipated. Just as my story is unique to me, I know all of my clients have their own unique story to share. I no longer take any day for granted and cherish the health I work hard to maintain. I know there are many who struggle or have given up because their health has diminished so greatly.
This is the fuel for what I do and the reason I’m thrilled you are here reading my words now. I hope that, at the very least, I have inspired you to refuse to be or feel anything less than optimal. I want you to experience how great your body is designed to feel. I want you to love your life again too, just as I have!


Roanoke, Virginia, USA


Diet Therapy

Profile Details
  • Experience: 7 Years
  • Language : English